New Release: Lodestar

6 DEC 2019





Lodestar (n): a star, especially the North Star, that is used in navigation or astronomy; a point of reference to show the way.

The Lodestar capsule collection accompanies a new duo of tracks, ‘Lodestar’ and ‘The Poet’s Dream’, by Etta Every’s musical counterpart, The May Project. Alongside these is an original short story written by Katie of Etta Every / The May Project. Each facet explores an aspect of the concept of a lodestar: exploring what guidance really is, and what it means to keep to an internal ‘true north’ through thick and thin.

The Etta Every collection consists of six clean-lined styles available in black and white only, reflective of the juxtaposition of darkness and light, hope and despair; the struggle of living an authentic life.

The two tracks by The May Project represent this struggle: ‘Lodestar’ tells of the fight to keep to an internal vision, and ‘The Poet’s Dream’ (derived from Percy Shelley’s poem of the same name) plays out like stripped-back, slightly eerie lullaby: a balm offered to a troubled mind (Shelley originally wrote this poem as part of a work titled ‘Prometheus Unbound’, and in the context of the work, it was sung by a spirit sent to soothe Prometheus, who was chained to a cliff as a punishment by Zeus, following his act of gifting fire to man!).

Written in the style of a fairytale and filled with ribbons, forget-met-nots and roses, the Lodestar short story is an innocent and light-hearted take on the whole concept: sometimes you just can’t beat a simple, traditional tale!

Explore the whole release by clicking the images below. Enjoy!

Spotify | Apple Music | Itunes | Bandcamp | Soundcloud

Lodestar Collection

Lodestar Two-Track Release

Lodestar Novelette

Katie Brown

Founder and Editor of The May Magazine.


Living Room Sessions: Hshsh (The May Project and Vanguard One)


Teaser: The Poet’s Dream