Bedtime Story: Lodestar Audiobook

12 OCT 2020


Back in April this year while we were in lockdown-the-first, I stumbled across some beautiful retellings of George MacDonald fairytales on a meditation app. They were narrated by a softly-spoken Irish woman, and sent me to sleep in no time (with some unusual dreams!). It got me to thinking about the value of storytelling in its spoken form - there is something quite different about discovering a story by listening to it rather than reading it; it’s brought to life in a different manner altogether when someone colours in the settings and characters by reading it aloud.

And so I thought I would make a chapter-by-chapter audiobook of Lodestar, the fairytale novelette I wrote as part of the Lodestar release at the end of 2019 (explore here). You can listen to it on SoundCloud below: I’m releasing two chapters every Monday and Thursday until it’s finished (we are currently halfway through at six chapters!).

As they like to say, find yourself a comfortable position, feel your body relax completely as you let go of the day that has been (can we ever!), and let me begin to tell you the story of a young girl called Martine who became quite hopelessly lost in a forest.

Sweet dreams, o precious ones!

Katie Brown

Founder and Editor of The May Magazine.


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