Narrative Poem, Playlist: Dating Apps Argh (Tinned Chicken) by Imogen Staines


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Dating Apps Argh (Tinned Chicken) by Imogen Staines

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. So I deleted my dating apps.

Instead of checking Hinge, I read about Epictetus while listening to Yung Baby Tate on my lunch break.

Instead of engaging in some impulsive retail therapy after he stopped texting me, I poured wine on a weeknight. Two glasses in, I noticed I didn’t really care about him all that much. Where I’d previously found madness, I now found solace in the quiet indifference I’d been trying to ignore. Felt empowered, not threatened or betrayed.

Instead of checking Hinge, I thought about taking a leaflet from outside the Alliance Française. I didn’t do it, but at least it got me thinking about something other than him.

Instead of buying myself a treat lunch in an attempt to distract myself from the sinking sight of my blank phone screen, I mixed tinned chicken with last night’s sweetcorn salad. And it was fucking good, actually, even if the phrase ‘tinned chicken’ still makes me feel a bit sick.

Instead of checking Hinge, I re-read that message from him (not him) - again.

So now I’m just pissed off, but I still have all my money.

Playlist No. 8: Dating Apps Argh

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Imogen Staines

Fashion, art and music enthusiast with an insatiable need to fossilise emotion through the written word.

I like exploring mundane things until they’re no longer mundane.

I sometimes accidentally write poetry.

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